Stock Information

(As of March 31, 2024)

Number of shares authorized 223,000,000
Number of shares issued 56,057,474
Number of shareholders 13,358

Principal shareholders

Name Number of shares held (thousand shares) Ownership ratio (%)
Lunettes Inc. 21,393 41.82
Mikio Tane 2,612 5.11
PARIS MIKI Employee Shareholding Association 2,427 4.75
SMBC Trust Bank Ltd., Designated Securities Trust 1,121 2.19
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account) 1,000 1.95
Betelgeuse Co.,Ltd. 904 1.77
Nobuhiko Tane 727 1.42
Naoki Tane 566 1.11
JPMorgan Securities Japan Co., Ltd. 283 0.55
Total 38,406 75.07

Figures for ownership ratio are calculated excluding 4,897,279 shares of treasury stock.

Share distribution by type of shareholder

Type Number of shareholders Number of shares held (thousand shares) Ownership ratio (%)
Financial institutions 8 2,427 4.34
Securities firms 23 443 0.79
Other Entities 76 23,308 41.66
Foreign Entities and Individuals 104 8,897 15.90
Individuals and other 11,469 20,878 37.31
Total 11,680 55,953 100.00

Note: Odd-lot shares are excluded.