Corporate Governance
The PARIS MIKI Group considers the firm establishment of corporate governance as essential to increase corporate value from the perspective of shareholders, customers, employees, and other stakeholders. Accordingly, we are striving to improve management efficiency, soundness, and transparency. Additionally, we are making thorough efforts to establish ideal future character-formation, including legal and social ethical compliance, as the basis of our business activities. With that intention in mind, we are determined to disseminate throughout the Group a spirit consistent with the fundamentals of our corporate philosophy and credo so that small mistakes and innumerable obstacles will become seeds for magnificent creation.
Corporate Governance in the PARIS MIKI Group

To fulfill its corporate social responsibility, the PARIS MIKI Group has since its founding adhered to the principle of putting customers and their future first. Moreover, all group employees pledge to provide service that accommodates each and every customer. The representative director is making thorough efforts to establish ideal future character-formation, including legal and social ethical compliance, as the basis of our business activities. With that intention in mind, he is determined to disseminate throughout the Group a spirit consistent with the fundamentals of our corporate philosophy and credo. Group-wide compliance issues are shared within the Compliance Committee chaired by the representative director. Initiative policies are communicated throughout the Group, a compliance leader appointed in each group company, and efforts made to ensure thorough penetration of a compliance mindset at all business sites around the world.
Compliance Committee
As an advisory body for officers in charge of compliance, the Compliance Committee revises compliance guidance, reviews compliance programs annually, and scrutinizes important compliance-related measures. Through these and other actions the committee contributes to the formation of a compliance culture and strives to facilitate internal reform and thorough familiarity with compliance issues throughout the Group.
Miki Hotline
The PARIS MIKI Group is committed to creating workplaces where employees can speak freely with each other about anything, where horizontal ties between related employees, stores, and departments are made stronger, where people can point out to each other doubts and things they have noticed, where people do not worry alone when they think something is not right and instead quickly consult their boss or relevant department, and where thorough discussions are possible. In addition, the Group will create a more open corporate climate by operating a Miki Hotline that can be used for consultation.
Protection of Personal Information
The PARIS MIKI Group collects and carefully stores customer information used to provide the optimal selection of services to accommodate each and every customer. We maintain and control this information so that it leads to increased customer satisfaction. Rigorously protecting privacy while utilizing customer information effectively is an extremely important matter for us. Accordingly, we make every effort to protect personal information.