What is PARIS MIKI’s social value CSR VISION
The PARIS MIKI Group considers the reason for its existence in a sustainable society is to provide abundance and happiness to all of our stakeholders.
To realize a sustainable society in harmonious balance with the our environment, the environment of local communities and of mankind, we aim to contribute to realizing a sustainable society through sustainable business practices focused on what is important in order to establish the PARIS MIKI Group as an organization that is trusted and loved by all.
Our policy at the PARIS MIKI Group is to accommodate each and every one of our customers.
Ever since our foundation, we have devoted ourselves to providing a sense of assurance and elation to each and every one of our customers by resolving their myriad sight and hearing related challenges and bringing surprise and excitement into their lives by accommodating them.
We believe our initiatives to create shop atmosphere that are both inviting and mood lifting, to train our human resources into trusted professionals and to perform product development that aims to deliver products our customers can use safely for many years are our strengths in accommodating each and every one of our customers.
The first lesson we teach new employees is the miracle of new encounters.
To appreciate the miracle-like encounter with customers and to serve someone totally unique that has selected PARIS MIKI from Japan, with its long history, from the numerous other eyewear retailers around the globe. We teach new employees during their first day of training to identify needs even the customer was not aware of by experiencing the miracle of new encounters, by showing compassion and interacting with customers as if they were family or friends with real interest and enthusiasm leads to the ultimate form of customer satisfaction.
Being constantly aware of the services and products our customers are seeking forms the driving force behind being able to enter new markets.
Our corporate and social contribution activities based on our management philosophy of firstly, for our customers and their future, secondly, for our associates and their future, and thirdly, for the company and its future, are in tune with global trends, including the SDGs, and we will continue to communicate with all our stakeholders, including local communities, customers, employees and business partners, etc., to fulfill our social role as the PARIS MIKI Group.